As governments are nearing the end of budget season in these uncertain times we want to make sure you all are aware of some of the resources available from the School of Government and our partners. There are many COVID-19 resources at the UNC SOG dedicated Microsite.
Budgeting in the Pandemic: A Seminar on Forecasting and Budgeting Strategies for Fiscal Year 2021
The NCLGBA and the UNC School of Government are pleased to announce that we will be hosting a webinar on May 13th at 1 pm on budgeting in the pandemic. Please join leaders across the state as they discuss how they are approaching these uncertain times within their own budgets. Presenters will be discussing their revenue streams and forecasts and also their approach to expenditure adjustments. Our presenters are: Rodney Harris (Cabarrus County), Ken Hunter (Rocky Mount), Tony McDowell (Asheville), Brian Barnett (Pitt County), Teresa Fulk (Newport), and Stephen Hawryluk (Winston-Salem) . There will be time for questions at the end of the presentation.
While there is no fee associated with the webinar, we would appreciate it if you would register in advance.
If you have any questions please reach out to either Christopher Williams (First Vice President of NCLGBA) at or Whitney Afonso (School of Government) at