Whether you attended classes at the UNC School of Government, consulted with our faculty, or used our books and blogs—we exist because of you.
Today is a special day because we’re spending 24 hours celebrating the University, the School, and all of the individuals and institutions we reach across the state. And we hope we can count on you to help us reach even farther.
If 150 people can step up and donate today, we have an opportunity to earn an additional $7,500, thanks to generous anonymous donors.
We know that you have many demands on your time, talent, and resources and we appreciate all that you do for the people of North Carolina. If you can give today, you’re equipping us to train more public leaders and helping strengthen our state.
Learn more about GiveUNC and how the School is celebrating at give.unc.edu/GiveUNC/SOG.
We are grateful for your support.
Michael R. Smith
UNC School of Government