This post shares some information coming from the recent announcement of USPAP availability online. It’s also a reminder of how to join PTAX, and where to find the latest PTEP calendar. If you have questions or comments about any of these, please click “Leave a Reply” at the bottom of this post.
For online USPAP, make sure you use the URL below to take advantage of any available special pricing:
Feedback highlights:
- These courses are not easier just because they are online. You’ll need to know the material well to move forward. Don’t plan a normal work schedule or to multi-task while taking the online course. The courses have checks along the way designed to make sure you’re learning the material along the path to success.
- These USPAP offerings are for NC assessors and appraisers who are interested in qualifying or continuing education for the purposes of the NCDOR certification program, NCAAO designation program, or IAAO. They may not qualify for NC Appraisal Board credit.
- There are quizzes during the 7-hour update. They’re in place to ensure mastery of USPAP course concepts, but they don’t fail you. The grades provided are for the student; they do NOT impact the completion of the course.
- We’ve received lots of positive feedback on the online PTEP calendar. Don’t forget the PTEP calendar is located right here in the resources section of the death and taxes blog:
- Included in the calendar information at the link above are instructions for joining the PTAX listserv. The list is open to property tax officials, their staffs, and members of the NCAAO and NCTCA. No one moderates the list. Thus, messages sent to the list are immediately mailed to over 2,000 members. To join or to help someone else join the listserv, visit
- If you are taking the 15-Hour National USPAP online, please note that a proctored exam may be required. This depends on which organization is requiring this course for you. Consult with the course provider and the appraisal organization that administers your requirements.
- Don’t forget to share questions or comments about USPAP, PTAX, or PTEP by clicking “Leave a Reply”, below. Thanks!